The 10,000 Dawns Wiki

The Christmas Needle Agreement was a truce between the peoples of N-Space and the 10,000 Dawns created following Auteur's attack on the Dawns. Negotiations occurred on the Needle and were presided by Miranda Dawkins.

Individuals present at the negotiations included Graelyn Scythes, Archimedes Von Ahnerabe, and Kinan Jane of Dawn, Taranis of the Original Mammoths, Littlejohn of the Great Houses, Gideon of Faction Paradox, Coloth of the Plume Coteries, Galaxy Violet of the Quoth, and Lady Aesculapius. Other groups represented at the agreement included the Firmament, Knights of the Sky, Great Assimilation, painted warriors, and Vo'lach. (PROSE: White Canvas)
